Sunday, October 29, 2017

Play it Safe!

We are wrapping up anti-bulllying month this week! We had quite a few classrooms participate in our Anti-Cyberbullying Tic-Tac-Toe challenge. Whether it is during the month of October or not, it is important to find time to talk to students about how to be a good online citizen and what to do when they encounter those who are not. Common Sense Media for Education provides a wealth of information and ready made lessons to address this topic and so much more.  To access these lessons and resources, you will need to create an account. After that, go to the Scope and Sequence section of the site (as illustrated below) to find ready made lessons mapped out for K-2, 3-5, and 6-8 on topics such as "Cyberbullying and Internet Drama", "Privacy and Security", "Internet Safety " and more. They even have a whole section of their curriculum dedicated to "Creative Credit and Copyright" ; another important conversation to have with students as they producing and sharing digitally.  As our students become more and more digital literate as "producers with" and "consumers of" technology, let's makes sure the are equipped with the knowledge they need to "play it safe".

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